Monday, December 12, 2011

The Dream Machine

This device seemed a total derivative of acid meets Ecstasy meets LSD. Spinning lights that change colors? Yep sounds like a trippy time. Personally I didn't really believe it held artistic merit until Santiago had us in a room with a pulsating strobe light.... extremely weird but this class in general is probably going to be my most memorable one of my college career between photocopying my ass on a xerox machine in the library. I digress. Well the cool thing about the strobe light is I actually saw my own mental art thanks to the strobe light where I saw red ovals overlapping in the medium of what those static lightning orbs are. I would dare to imagine that the Dream machine is relatively the same concept but more intense due to the oscillating base and the color change. Many have said the machine was an utter failure but I think it maybe relative to the fact that there is no baseline as to the visions people see, people see what their subconscious wants to see and the Dream Machine does not dictate the dream you see but just makes you get into a hypnagogic state.     

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