Hessa: loved the vortex and the spinning body because it really channeled the spirit of decontextualization. I loved the use of color and saturation and the ending was very cool where it seemed like everything blended together.
Luis: The super imposing of two polar natural opposites and perspective was amazing. I liked the lack of color and the darkness and the switching capacities. The sound was a bit over powering but it was appropriate due to the lack of color.
Sebastian: I didn't get the Leigh Bowery reference but I enjoyed the higher message you had by super imposing Steve Jobs and Barack Obama. The opposition of the old and new in the beginning is amazing with the old Mac OS and the iPad.
Stefanie: The multiple personalities in the room seem to lend itself to the nature of art where separate entities seem to explore the art piece and it overwhelms the viewer. I was a bit creeped out at the laughing but it added to the emotions that art itself can invoke.
Emily: I like the whimsical nature of the video even though I thought it should have been better received. I do agree the colors and filter were shocking but I didnt really think it was over powering.
Francesca: I really thought that you were decontextualizing the nature of harmony and music but it was cool how you managed to melt culture and language and make it into music.
Jon: I was impressed with the camera perspective especially the one where it emulates the popcorn popping in the microwave.
Roy: Extremely visually entertaining and trippy, the mirror effect almost made it seem like you had projection art. David Hall was your main inspiration and it was seemingly clear.
Hannah: Loved the music. The concept of the Asian fear of Godzilla was pretty funny.The shadows made it extremely cool and it looked like a video game.
Sarah: the strobe light almost made me reminded of the Born this Way video with the way the strobe pulsated and made a womb with the hands like a lotus flower.
Abby: I liked the concept, it should have some cool editing in terms of slowing down and colors and stuff.
Grace: The puppy was absolutely precious. I loved that you created your own hybrid person/dog and dance. Super reminiscent of Nam June Paik.
Amanda: Loved the rubics cube effect and the different perspectives. It gave the art a story.
great video effects. i like how the lights change to many different color. great beat and rhythm. just a great video and very nice ending.